Join Kererū Discovery and Urban Wildlife Trust for the 2019 Great Kererū Count!

Photo by Tony Stoddard from Kererū Discovery
From 20 - 29 September, it’s time to turn your eyes to the skies and make a note of any Kererū that you see for the 2019 Great Kererū Count.
The more people who participate, the better the understanding researchers and scientists will get on how Kererū are doing across the country.
Kererū can live for more than 21 years and are essential for native bush regeneration. These charming birds are the only species left in New Zealand’s mainland that are able to swallow and disperse the seeds from our largest native trees such as tawa, taraire, pūriri and mataī. Their disappearance would be a disaster for our native forests.
The Nest Te Kōhanga is our award-winning animal hospital and centre for native wildlife, which treats many sick and injured Kererū each year. You can help our native birds, like the Kererū, by being a responsible pet owner. Keep your cat indoors at night (this is better for your cat too) and make sure your cat is desexed. You can also help protect wildlife by simply keeping your dog on a lead when you’re out and about!
You can report sightings online – and there’s a handy app called iNaturalist that you can download to make Kererū reporting even easier!
Get ready to make your Kererū count and spread the word:

Photo of Kererū by Tony Stoddard from Kererū Discovery