We are excited to announce the arrival of two female Tasmanian Devils, Cassia and Clove who have recently joined the Zoo’s existing female, Dash. To celebrate the arrival of the new Tasmanian Devils, the three Devils had a special visit on Halloween by The Australian High Commissioner, H.E. Hon Patricia Forsythe AM.

Tasmanian Devil cooling off in paddling pool
Cassia and Clove arrived from the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment at the end of September, and since completing their quarantine period, they have now been successfully introduced to Dash in Neighbours, our Australian animals walk-through habitat.

The Australian High Commissioner, H.E. Hon Patricia Forsythe AM gets up close to a Tasmanian Devil
Wellington Zoo is a proud partner of the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program, a Tasmanian government initiative that was established in 2003 in response to the threat of Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD). The disease is a rare, contagious cancer that has spread rapidly through wild Tasmanian Devil populations, reducing their numbers significantly.
Newest arrival, Clove taken by Zoo Keeper Kaitlyn
The Save the Tasmanian Devil Program is collaborating with research institutions and zoos around the world, like Wellington Zoo, to combat the epidemic and ensure the survival of the Tasmanian Devil. Wellington Zoo, and other partner zoos, have worked together to create a healthy insurance population. The insurance population is crucial for repopulating Tasmania as the disease is controlled in suitable wild areas.
The Zoo supports the work of the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program through the Wellington Zoo Conservation Fund.