Te Nukuao Wellington Zoo offers a range of unique learning workshops with our experienced Zoo Educators, from ECE age all the way up to Year 13. A Learning Workshop at the Zoo provides ākonga with the chance to meet some amazing animals, both global and native, to help them understand the role of a progressive Zoo and learn how they can care for animals and the environment.
The Zoo is an Enriching Local Curriculum (ELC), funded by the Ministry of Education. This means we can offer specialized learning experiences to schools and ECE groups at reduced prices.
Animals of Aotearoa - Years 11-13
Year 9 - 13 | Aotearoa New Zealand
How have Aotearoa’s animals come to be here? Learn about the evolution of NZ species, the impact of introduced animals and local conservation efforts to protect our taonga.
Activities on this day
Explore New Zealand’s biodiversity, how some of our unique animals have evolved over time and what effect introduced animals have had on the ecosystem. Learn about local conservation efforts and what action you can take to help protect our precious taonga.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the evolution and unique adaptations of animals in New Zealand.
- Give examples of challenges native animals face in response to human action
NZ Curriculum
Science: Living World
• Ecology Level 6: Investigate the impact of natural events and human actions on a New Zealand ecosystem.
• Ecology and evolution Level 7: Explain how the interaction between ecological factors and natural selection leads to genetic changes within populations.
• Life processes, ecology, and evolution Level 8: Understand the relationship between organisms and their environment. Explore the evolutionary processes that have resulted in the diversity of life on Earth and appreciate the place and impact of humans within these processes.
Related NCEA Standards:
• Biology 2.6 AS91158: Investigate a pattern in an ecological community, with supervision (4 credits, Internal)
Animals of Aotearoa - Years 9-10
Year 9 - 13 | Aotearoa New Zealand
How have Aotearoa’s animals come to be here? Learn about the evolution of NZ species, the impact of introduced animals and local conservation efforts to protect our taonga.
Activities on this day
Explore how Aotearoa New Zealand’s animals have changed over time and what effect introduced animals have had on the ecosystem. Find out about local conservation efforts and what action you can take to help protect our taonga species.
Learning Outcomes
- Give examples of animals that are endemic and/or native to Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Understand the challenges that Aotearoa New Zealand’s animals face.
- Take action to help protect native wildlife
NZ Curriculum
Science: Living World
- Ecology Level 3-4: Explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes, both natural and human-induced.
- Ecology Level 5: Investigate the interdependence of living things (including humans) in an ecosystem.
- Evolution Level 3-4: Explore how the groups of living things we have in the world have changed over long periods of time and appreciate that some living things in Aotearoa New Zealand are quite different from living things in other areas of the world.
- Evolution Level 5: Describe the basic processes by which genetic information is passed from one generation to the next.
Climate Action and Sustainability - Years 9-10
Year 9 - 13 | Conservation & Sustainability
Our climate is changing and affecting global environments and ecosystems. How can we take action to protect animals from the effects of climate change on native and exotic fauna?
Activities on this day
The climate is changing and it affects all of us, and all of nature. Learn how animals are affected by climate change, how the Zoo works with its partners in conservation and what we can all do together to help them survive.
Learning Outcomes
• Understand ways climate change affects animals
• Discuss how we can mitigate threats to nature
• Design actions we can take together to help protect animals and the environment
Climate Action and Sustainability (Business Studies) Years 11-12
Year 9 - 13 | Conservation & Sustainability
The way we protect the environment depends on the operating our business sustainably. Take advantage of a real-life context to discover what factors influence staff motivation and business decisions.
Activities on this day
Wellington Zoo is progressive and world-leading in conservation and sustainability. Learn about the work behind the scenes - from marketing to recruitment to staff motivation, that ensures Wellington Zoo achieves its dream of becoming the best little Zoo in the world.
Learning Outcomes
• Examine the organisational structure and internal operations of Wellington Zoo as a business
• Discuss the strategies and values at Wellington Zoo and how they affect our operations
• Discuss examples of how Wellington Zoo motivates its staff to be the best they can be.
NZ Curriculum
Related NCEA Standards:
- Business Studies 1.5 AS90841: Investigate aspects of human resource processes in a business.
- Business Studies 2.1 AS 90843: Demonstrate understanding of the internal operations of a large business.
- Business Studies 2.5 AS90847: Investigate the application of motivation theory in a business.
Conservation Connection - Years 11-13
Year 9 - 13 | Conservation & Sustainability
What is conservation and how can we help? Investigate case studies of conservation projects, and discover how we can work together with partners in conservation in Aotearoa and around the world to help protect animals.
Activities on this day
Conservation is at the heart of everything we do at Wellington Zoo. Learn how we are all responsible for the use of natural resources, and the consequences of doing so. Discover what actions Wellington Zoo takes as conservation leaders, and how we can all help protect animals in Aotearoa and around the world.
Learning Outcomes
• Discuss reasons why animals may become endangered.
• Understand how people’s management of natural resources and economic decisions impact on environmental and social sustainability.
• Give examples of conservation efforts Wellington Zoo supports locally and globally.
NZ Curriculum
Science: Living World
• Ecology Level 6: Investigate the impact of natural events and human actions on a New Zealand ecosystem.
• Ecology Level 7: Explore ecological distribution patterns and explain possible causes for these patterns.
• Life processes, ecology, and evolution Level 8: Understand the relationship between organisms and their environment. Explore the evolutionary processes that have resulted in the diversity of life on Earth and appreciate the place and impact of humans within these processes.
• Earth systems and interacting systems Level 8: Develop an in-depth understanding of the interrelationship between human activities and the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere over time.
Social Sciences
• Geography – Level 6: Understand how people interact with natural and cultural environments and that this interaction has consequences.
• Geography – Level 6: Understand how people’s perceptions of and interactions with natural and cultural environments differ and have changed over time.
Learning could lead towards NCEA Standards:
• Biology 2.6 AS91158: Investigate a pattern in an ecological community, with supervision (4 credits, Internal)
Conservation Connection - Years 9-10
Year 9 - 13 | Conservation & Sustainability
What is conservation and how can we help? Investigate case studies of conservation projects, and discover how we can work together with partners in conservation in Aotearoa and around the world to help protect animals.
Activities on this day
Conservation is at the heart of everything we do at Wellington Zoo. Learn how we are all responsible for the use of natural resources, and the consequences of doing so. Discover what actions Wellington Zoo takes as conservation leaders, and how we can all help protect animals in Aotearoa and around the world.
Learning Outcomes
• Discuss reasons why animals may become endangered.
• Understand how people’s management of natural resources and economic decisions impact on environmental and social sustainability.
• Give examples of conservation efforts Wellington Zoo supports locally and globally.
NZ Curriculum
Science: Living World
- Ecology Level 3-4: Explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes, both natural and human-induced.
- Ecology Level 5: Investigate the interdependence of living things (including humans) in an ecosystem.
Social Sciences:
- Social Studies Level 4: Understand how people participate individually and collectively in response to community challenges
- Social Studies Level 5: Understand how people’s management of resources impacts on environmental and social sustainability